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Wednesday 24 July 2013

Swag VS Class

What do you prefer?

Most of you girls would choose a swag guy because it looks cute, and who can resist a cute guy with cute clothes?.. I would say I choose Class. Not that I don't like guys with swag, believe me I love it, but let me ask you that guy that has swag now will he be able to one day provide a future for a girl? Nope , i don;'t think so. Reason why is that if you look at their actions now it would be a true reflection on how their future will look like. Being cool gets you no where but being educated will get you very far in life.

I am sure their biggest dream is to meet Lil Wayne or some rapper they saw on television. They think they are cool ,but even their coolness gets to them as soon as they get to step into the real world out of school. then their challenges comes in. Guys with class are normally chilled guys, they know that they want in life and they work towards that and that is what I like about them. They know how to take responsibility and how to be a leader when needed.

Most cases girls whom used to be into swag guys normally take a class guy when their older, but back then they swear they would never date someone like that.. Ironic I know.

So guys those of you whom is so into swag. It's cool to be into it but just remember what you do today is a true reflection on how your future will look like.



Tuesday 23 July 2013


Damn.. it's been long since I even went in by my blog. My blog used to be the place where I used to express my feelings with you guys being my readers. Some of you enjoy reading my blog ,some of you even asked why I stopped blogging. Well the thing is.. I really don't know. I just stopped lol.

I am in the phase of finding myself i have been doing some photography lately. I like being behind the camera as well as I like being in front of it. I started this blog last year April I think. In two months time I've got 1000 page views for me it was awesome knowing that people actually read my blog.
One of my Photography work.

I think I should start blogging again. Express my feelings again having you guys read all about the world, the new generation and how we as teenagers cope with it. If you ask me. I have many things to say about this generation and the things that is happening nowadays.

Comments from your side is welcome I love being challenged.

Next topic: Why do some girls prefer guys that has swag over a gentlemen when they young?

To be continued.. for real.. no bailing out again.. just make sure you read every blog post.

