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Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Why do Girls like bad boys ?

Girls like to feel safe when they are with someone and bad boys gives them that safety. Many good guys just can't stand the fact that , girls can be treated bad by the bad boys and still want them, and still run after them.

Let me tell you how our girls head's work:
We always go for the risky guys, because it's more fun to be with them. We get played by them cause we are too busy being in love and forget what's going on around us. We see the good in the bad that they have done wrong cause we love them. We would do anything just to be with them even though they hurted us in the past.

Now many boys ask me why did I get played I mean isn't it obvious? You too soft for her bro! Girls like guys that tells them what to do! How to dress! Girls loves it when a guy is sweet and nice yes, but not all the time ey. That is usually when you find that girls are cheating on boys. Girls usually ignore the one who adore them and love the ones who ignore them-cause for them it's a challenge to get that boy who is ignoring them. They can't accept why everyone else wants them but not that particular boy.

Sooo guys show them who wears the pants in the relationship and she will be yours forever!



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