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Sunday, 13 May 2012

Mother's Day!

Beacause its Mother's day today everyone's profile pictures and status's is about their mothers(even mine)... But I think everyday should be a mothers day, not just once a year. As you look at all the effort a mother has to put in, everything that she must do etc. She deserves to be spoiled everyday and not just once a year!Mothers would try their best just to make their children happy. They work hard buy their children expensive stuff that makes her have sleepless nights cause she is wondering how am I going to pay the bill next month. You sleep peaceful while she worries.
People I want you to spoil your mother Daily and not yearly! I want you to tell that you love her, hug her and spend time with her cause who knows what tomorrow brings, she might just not be with you anymore... Do the same with your father. They might be your most favourite people in the world, but if it wasn't for them you wouldn't have been in this world in the first place!


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