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Tuesday, 9 October 2012



The key to success lies in your mind, you just have to learn how to open the doors.
What do we know about this? It might sound strange now, but it is really something one should take note of. Mindset lies within your mind. How you think of things, how you respond to things etc.

 Now I believe that you can make everything happen once you set your mind to it. Your mind is the most powerful thing, but don't forget about your tongue. We intend to think negative things because we don't believe in ourselves. I had someone told me the other day... he had already failed, so i told him you did fail yes but you just failed one part of your life the others are still waiting to be succeed! I don't know how I do it but I like to do things with a positive mindset! Makes me feel more in charge of something that I have no knowledge over. But yet I find myself doing the best that I can because I always promise myself not to let me down! I know its hard to get back to where you were. I have been there, probably going there again in life because nobody is perfect! What I want to leave with you today is everything is possible once you set ya mind to it! You alone can decide where you want to end up in this word.




He has just started his own Dj site where you can download his latest mixes

Monday, 8 October 2012

A new beginning !

Damn! I haven't posted anything in a long time now. If I can remember my last post was a month ago. Well the thing is I got distracted. Let me say i let things get into my mind , which normally never happens to me because I always have things under control. It once again shows us that in our lifetime life will hit us , but it doesn't matter how hard life it us... what matter is how well you rise after that.

News from my side to you... nothing much, I am just glad I have made my choice. For a few moments in my life I thought of just deactivating my blog but then a few people asked me how is the blog going I don't get any new notifications, then I realized that people actually care and reads it... which feels amazing.
Last night my heart was so touched by someone whom asked me to guide him through a rough situation. I was very surprised because I wasn't that close to this person. Although I knew a lot of things about him.I did my best motivating him. And he actually appreciated what I did, which got me thinking why stop with what I am doing when I can touch someone's heart by only simple words that I say. I always mean everything that I say and people learn a lot by it. So here i am again, back on track. If you feel alone I am here for you!


Monday, 13 August 2012

Success never stops !

The stories of  life will not always have happy endings. I came across something very interesting the other day. My one of my teachers said that she no longer need to be successful , because she already is. I then think to myself success does not end the day that you have reached your goal, because there will always be something new that you want to achieve. I also thought she is teaching us , don’t she wants to help us succeed and in order to do that she must succeed in the things that she teaches us every day.

Topics like this makes me think that in life there will be no last challenge , because every day you will have a new one. That is what makes life so interesting, you learn new things every day that you yourself never thought you are capable of  learning nor doing. 


Wednesday, 1 August 2012


We don’t know how hard a challenge going to be unless we take it on.

People intend to say that is too big of a challenge so and I am unable to do that. Wrong! No challenge is too big or too small for you not finish it or to make a success out of it. Lately I have been having a lot of doubs in myself. The one moment I think I can do it, the next I see myself failing. Mostly people have something to do with your confidence. They will always criticize you when you are doing something. People can make or break you, it only depens on how you handle the situation people put you in. Each one of us have our limits when it comes to life and challenges. We will continue till we think okay till here and not one step further. That is just simply how life is, very testing and very hard at the same time. With life you will never know what will happen next. Every day will be a challenge, but just remember always be better than the person that you was yesterday.


Monday, 30 July 2012

Be U N I Q U E

Tell me why do you want you be like someone else, when you can just be you?

I walk through life seeing people, mostly friends wear the same clothes. Then I would think to myself why would they want to wear the same stuff when they don’t have the same personality? You are unique there won’t be another person like you on this earth. Think of yourself as pool balls. They almost look the same but they are on the pool board for different reasons, just like you maybe look like your sister or someone in this world but you are in this world for a different reason that they are. Just like school you wear the same uniform, but it doesn’t mean you have to act the same. You are unique no one can look like you, have the dreams that you have, have the personality that you have at the same time.

Be who you want to be, don’t be like someone else because if God wanted you to be like someone else he would’ve gived you their looks and everything that they have.



Thursday, 26 July 2012

FAKE faces

We all hide under a fake face.

We are too afraid of what people will say when they see who the real you are. Even I hide under a fake face. Being with my family I’m a way different person as I am with my friends. But why?
Let me tell you why… We are scared that others don’t want to accept us for who and what we really are! We hide, and be fake to the people we love because we don’t want to hurt them with the truth. We walk around with fake faces pretending to like certain people ,but we hate them inside. Why do we do that? We are to scared of what others might say about our opinion on something, now we wear fake faces to please others.

If I could I would never wear a fake face, this way no one will be surprised by the things I do and the person I become when I am mad. But I guess taking that fake face off is harder then just posting about it. I am not fake to everyone, mostly family. They can be so judgemental that’s why I love to hide my true colors from them. With my friends I feel comfortable, I can be myself act crazy as much as I want to.

Do you sometimes wear a fake mask like me???

That’s a question only you can answer.



Friday, 20 July 2012

Words and rumors has their way of bringing you down

Lately I haven’t posted any blog posts. I apologize for that, it’s never going to happen in the future.

The reason why I didn’t post on my blog is , I had problems of my own. How can I motivate you guys when I am not even feeling well inside. I am not a person that cry much, but the past week I have cried so many times that I couldn’t even see the white in my eyes. I just learned that rumors can bring you down. It’s hard to prove the truth once a rumor of you is spread out. I learned it the hard way. I mean with teenagers I can easily deal with a rumor, but what if your family knows about it first?

I care a lot about myself, and what people think of me. Non of the rumors that was spread about me was even true! I was so traumatized. I think to myself how can a person even say such things about people knowing it’s not the truth. But I guess jealousy makes you nasty neh! I don’t even have much haters, I’ve always been the one that likes to keep things to myself. I could keep things in for long, but this time I couldn’t hold it anymore. I actually prepared myself for that day to come, but I guess I wasn’t prepared well cause it knocked me down!

People I just want you guys to choose your friends wisely. Don’t let rumors get you down no matter how hard it knocked you!



Sunday, 15 July 2012

Do what you believe is right !

I woke up this morning telling myself, Letta you must decide what you are going to do with your life. Time is slowly running out. Next year I must already know what I want and where I see myself in 10 years from now . I decided to draw myself a mind map. On this map I added pictures of where I see myself in 10 years. I know many of you will now think, how will a stupid mindmap help you succeed and help you decide on what you want to study, but let me tell you it helped me. I now know what I want in life, where I want to go study, what my grades must look like. I also google a few stuff on what I want to study .When I told my mom what I want to study, she wasn’t that much supportive because I’ve always told her that I wanted to be an doctor . I realized becoming a doctor isn’t really my thing, computers are. People I love my mom but I must do the thing that makes me happy , and working with computers makes me happy. If deciding on what you want to do when you grow up, think of things that makes you happy. People will always try to bring you down, just because they don’t like doing it they will let you believe it’s not your thing either.

Believe in the things that make you happy and not the things that makes other people happy.



Thursday, 12 July 2012

The YOLO- Word !

The big word everyone is trying to live by. If someone did something bad, and you ask them why did you do it they would reply with: ‘ YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE’. I mean really, is that your big excuse????

Let me tell you something about the YOLO-word , it sucks !. It should never had brought in. Everyone is using it for the wrong reason, they don’t know the real meaning of it. Yes, you only live once but it doesn’t mean you must over do it and do things that don’t suit your personality. The YOLO-word can trick people into a lot of crazy stuff. You still have a long life to live for , don’t live it up and the next day you don’t want to be seen in public. I say take it easy there is a time and place for everything in this life. No matter how old ,how young you are you will get to do the things that you really want. Just stay safe and enjoy  every moment of this life.



Tuesday, 10 July 2012

People that don’t want you in their life, is not worth your company.

People let’s face reality now if your not good enough to walk with them in public , they are not worth your company. We always think that being behind someone’s back with a person while that person is dating someone else , it’s cool. It’s not like they will leave their partners to be with you. You are only there on the sideline and when their partners finds out they ask you to deny it. You are only cheap when you keep on playing the game with them. They can’t get what they want by their partners so they try it with you, and you are dumb enough to fall for it. But that is just one of the silly things we would do for love , even if it’s lending love by someone else. You intend hang on hoping they will take you at the end of the day. What they have with you is only for pleasure, nothing else.

If you know the person has a partner why even consider helping them to be unfaithful towards their partner! If you think it’s cool and awesome. Let me tell you what I think about people like that: they are cheap!

yeah letta tells it like it is !


Monday, 9 July 2012

Start small

We all think that we can become nothing because we don't always have the money. That is where we make our mistakes! Life is not all about money, yes money plays a big role in this life but not as big as happiness.

When your in school you do good in a subject if you like it , right?... Now that is your key to success by doing the thinks that makes you happy and not the things that makes others happy. Get a clear idea of what matters to you and ignore the negative voices. Fight and keep fighting for what you want in life !

Once you have set your mind to something, don't take it off it. It starts today! Take a few seconds and make yourself a mind map where you picture yourself in 5 years time, keep it close everyday and work towards it ! Trust me it will keep you motivated , even if you fail !



Friday, 6 July 2012

Be independant !

Lately I have been thinking a lot, thinking about life and the people in my life. I have come across a lot of new things that I never knew will hit me. I have had moments of doubts , moments of certainty etc. What really got me thinking was the fact that I always want to help people and when I’m in need ,no one is there to help me out. I am not a person who would seek for help. I always seem to have everything under control. But lately I don’t know. I try to keep faith every day, but every day I feel like losing a bit of that faith.

What I am trying to prove in this post is: Don’t ever depend on people. Always do things by yourself. People will always let you down. Don’t seek for advice on something that you already know an solution for. I know it’s hard to learn from others mistakes, because we all want to make our own.

You have to learn to stand on you your own, and be independent !



Tuesday, 26 June 2012

The key to succes

We all think that we can become nothing because we don't always have the money. That is where we make our mistakes! Life is not all about money, yes money plays a big role in this life but not as big as happiness.

When your in school you do good in a subject if you like it , right?... Now that is your key to success by doing the thinks that makes you happy and not the things that makes others happy. Get a clear idea of what matters to you and ignore the negative voices. Fight and keep fighting for what you want in life !

Once you have set your mind to something, don't take it off it. It starts today! Take a few seconds and make yourself a mind map where you picture yourself in 5 years time, keep it close everyday and work towards it ! Trust me it will keep you motivated , even if you fail !


The key to succes

We all think that we can become nothing because we don't always have the money. That is where we make our mistakes! Life is not all about money, yes money plays a big role in this life but not as big as happiness.

When your in school you do good in a subject if you like it , right?... Now that is your key to success by doing the thinks that makes you happy and not the things that makes others happy. Get a clear idea of what matters to you and ignore the negative voices. Fight and keep fighting for what you want in life !

Once you have set your mind to something, don't take it off it. It starts today! Take a few seconds and make yourself a mind map where you picture yourself in 5 years time, keep it close everyday and work towards it ! Trust me it will keep you motivated , even if you fail !


Saturday, 23 June 2012

S U I C I D E !

This morning me and my friends were talking about commiting suicide. One of my friends wanted to do it, but she told me she didn't want to get hurt. So I told her , that's the point you don't really want to die. You love your life to much. You just want to get out of a situation that you think is worth dying for. But let me tell you, your life is not worth any stupid situation . That situation can be sorted out soon. If you made a mistake learn out of it... Why give up soo easily?...

Have you notice when someone commit suicide by hanging them up... You will always find their hands strugling to get the rope away from their throat... Want to know why?... Because at that moment while suffering the pain they realise how much they love their life, and then its too late!

So don't be that stupid to try and commit suicide over a problem or mistake that can be solved and worked out !


Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Such Talent should be noticed

As you know we all have our talents, wether it is to sing, dance, Dj or just being yourself... We have talent
I know a friend his name is Austen he started a facebook Page recently. On this page he post links where you can go download his mixes. He is quite talented ey. So if you are into Dj or just good music go like his page and download his music.

Just like I said we all have talents, and we all want people to recognise our talents . So go and support Austen's talent by liking his link and downloading his music.
It would be very much appreciated

Click on this link to go to Austen's Page:

Its surprising how a poets born.
Just to feel the ridicule of the peoples scorn.
My poems might be dark, my poems might be strange.
But I feel their not all in vain.

They touch the heart of some people I know.
Cause were I get them only some fear not to go.
The darkest reaches the mind can find.
Crawling in the corners of my mind.

Apart of me likes it and I do not know why.
The dark part of me, never saying goodbye.
And tho the victor, always the light inside of me.
the darkness always crawling below and will never flee.

Should I accept it and become this person I don't know.
It could be dangerous, that why its crawling down below.
Feeling like dr. jackel and mr. hyde.
Only to hide what I'm truely feeling inside.

- Poem by Hardley Hendricks


Monday, 18 June 2012

but you didn't - poem with many lessons

Remember the day I borrowed your brand new car and dented it?
I thought you'd kill me, but you didn't.

And remember the time I dragged you to the beach,
and you said it would rain, and it did?
I thought you'd say, "I told you so." But you didn't.

Do you remember the time I flirted with all
the guys to make you jealous, and you were?
I thought you'd leave, but you didn't.

Do you remember the time I spilled strawberry pie
all over your car rug?
I thought you'd hit me, but you didn't.

And remember the time I forgot to tell you the dance
was formal and you showed up in jeans?
I thought you'd drop me, but you didn't.

Yes, there were lots of things you didn't do.
But you put up with me, and loved me, and protected me.

There were lots of things I wanted to make up to you
when you returned from Vietnam.
But you didn't.

- very nice poem got me thinking that we never appreaciate the things when we have it but once we've lost it we want it back again !
So from today , start appreciate the people closest to you cause who knows what tomorrow brings?
Live for today not tomorrow !


Sunday, 17 June 2012

I stand alone on the roof at night.
Only to see the  moon in sight.
The moon so bright...the moon so pure.
How much more darkness can I endure.

As I run, I can not wait.
To get rid of this destiny or is it fate.
All I know and all I find.
Is the rage overflowing in my mind.

I need to find peace, its all gone now.
Serenity I see only in a cow.
For its the pure of heart and soul I seek.
As I stare in the distance my future looks bleak.

And tho I try to fight the darkness inside.
I need to make the lord my guide.
Then I realize and think instead.
All of this just happened inside my head.

-Poem by Hadley Hendricks

Thursday, 14 June 2012

So your parents fell in love and a few years later you were conceived. You became a fetus and before your parents could blurt out baby, you were born. For our parents Days became weeks, weeks became years and with those years came lessons learned. We started crawling, talking, walking and then it is time for us to go to school. We thought boys were disgusting and we found school really exiting .We got through primary school then middle school and here we are- High school.

This is said to be toughest five years of your young life. You have to adapt to your surroundings, literally! You somehow shake off your innocent image- not deliberately, it just happens. You either find out who you are or lose the person who you thought you were. You are exposed to a lot off things, harmful things, delicate things, and you are exposed to people who you might or might not like. People who are going to push you down you down or help you up. People who are going to accept you and those who will not.

In the mean time you are developing, mentally and physically .If you don’t have self-respect and moral values, good luck! You might just make it out there. If you don’t know who you are, all the bad habits, bad friends, alcohol and drugs; that is going to define you are. The first year of high school, you feel like you’ve made it, you’re “cool” now. You are mature enough to make your own reckless decisions;”it is your life, your choices”.
Little do we know that those choices are going to affect the rest of our lives, either in a good way or bad. We just want to rush growing up.

The second year, Okay so you know your way around the place by now. You past your first year of high school and you know the do’s and the don’ts. Well kind of. You know who you are and who your friends are, Or so you think .This is the year many teenagers are likely to drop out of school, due to reckless behavior or simply just by giving up. They give up because the pressure is too much, and then finally you just crack! Who are misjudged and misunderstood, and you try and try, but somehow you just kind off fail! That sucks!

Your senior years, these years are really though. You have to study harder, party less. You know now whom you can depend on, and whom not. You need the support of your family, which mostly consists of your friends. I mean no offence but, our friends really do become family. We relate to them best because we go through the exact same things .We understand each other much better and sometimes , let’s face it, talking to your family about “boyfriend” issues ,is just not relevant. We share a lot more memories with them then we do with our families. At this stage our parents seems like a treat to us, don’t know why, but it is what it is.

These years pass and along with them a lot of things pass too. The boy you never told” I like you”, the girl you let away. The times you totally screwed up, and still can’t get it out of your head. The fight you had when you didn’t make up. The friends you made and lost along the way. The times you fell in and out of love. The mirage of the fifteen year you once were, the fifteen year old you so desperately want to be again ...

-written by Courtney May


Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Friendnemy, foe, enemy whatever you call them they are all the same

We all have our enemies , and we all have our friends right?.Now how do you who are your real friends and who is your enemy ?

Let me tell you something... You don't really just think you know... Even your own friends can be your worst enemy. Its up to you , you must choose your friends right, you must look between the lines because only you can deside wether you want to be friends with enemies or real friends ! Cut people out of your life that don't fit in or who spends most of their time talking behind your back ! Who need people like that in your life anyway!...


Monday, 11 June 2012

The simple things in life always turns out to be the most important things!

We intend to forget the small and simple things in life , just because we are too busy with the non important things in life . We keep ourselves busy with things like ; hating people instead of spending time with the people that we like; we judge others instead of looking in the mirror first! There are soo many wrong things we do , and in that wrong things we always forget the small things that really matters.
We Forget to ask our friends how they are doing , because we are too busy boring them with our problems and forget that they also have problems.

I want you to look around and appreciate the small things in life . Don't just focus on the bigger things ! They come and go small things, are the things that matters the most !


Friday, 8 June 2012

We just love to Cuddle

We just love it when it rains ! First thing we think about is to Cuddle !

Awwww we just love to cuddle! Wether we do it with our friends,boyfriends or girlfriends , we Cuddle ! Its important that you should enjoy yourself, hang with friends , be in good company . Who knows what tomorrow brings? Today might be your last ! I don't say live it up and do things that wil make u end up in jail or something bad, I'm just saying enjoy yourself . Life has a way of bringing you down everyday just to test your strenght.


Thursday, 7 June 2012

Just be Happy !

Its normal to blame others for what happened to you or for your emotions. " I can't be happy because I'm not in love "
" Through strength I found love
In time I found myself in happiness with you "-happiness by Alexis Jordan
- Many of us think so! But let me tell you today happiness does not just lie in love, it lies in everything you do dailly.

When you have done something good you always feel happy about it right?... Exactly! I just want to state that happiness starts with you, your heart and a simple smile, That's all
Remember when you sad all the times you will end up feeling sorry for yourself everyday! Now tell me who wants to be in your company , when your face looks like you just ate a sour lemon? Not me !

So be happy , face the day with a smile, the rest will just fall in place!


Monday, 4 June 2012

We praise everything but God

Yes! We praise everything but God. We praise celebrities that don't even know we exist. We listen to meaningful songs that we don't even know what they are saying, but we listen to it. We go to pubs , to drink our problems away but when we wake up in the morning they are still there and we even got extra. We would do soo many wrong things in life instead of doing the good !

Tell me this:
Why don't we praise God that knew our name even before we were born,he knows our past,present and future? . Why don't we listen to gospel songs, who's lyrics have meaning and helps you grow inside? Why don't we go to church or pray for God to help us with the problems that we are facing?

- I still can't find the answers to that...soo if you do let me know, cause I would really love to know!

Read the following quote and think about it:
" Why do we sleep in Church ? But stay awake through a 3 hour movie? Why are we so bored when we look at the Bible But find it easy to read other books? Why is it so easy to ignore a msg about God, Yet we forward the nasty ones? Why are Temple Church's getting smaller. But bars and clubs are expanding? "


Saturday, 2 June 2012

Dont Share fake L O V E

We intend to share fake love with each other that we don't actually mean. Why do I say so...

For example your mom buys you something you so badly wanted, then your mom is the best in the world then you love her soo much just because she bought you that. Now that is fake ! You should love her even when she doesn't buy you something ! Have you noticed that you are only loved by your friends or family when you gaved them something or bought them something ! That is actually why many want boyfriends cause friends and family can be so fake (not all of them), they only apprciate you when you did something for them...

I hate it when I've done something for someone and they now soo love me etc ! If you love or like me in that way then you can keep it who needs fake love anyway neh?

I love people because they make me smile and are good company - and you should too , and not because they gaved you something or helped you with something !


Thursday, 31 May 2012

Having trouble dealing with a jealous EX ?

Many of us have had that problem in the past or we might we dealing with it right at the moment. Don't worry about them they are just jealous because they lost their treasure and you own it now!.

It might feel like they know a lot about them then you do, but that is why you are in a relationship to get to know each other ! Create ways to move closer to your love. You also might worry that the two of them will get back together again. It can all become confusing and difficult! No ! They won't ! Think for yourself. Why did they broke up in the first place . No one wants to read a book that they already know how it will end ! They will always be on the sideline just waiting for you to fail your relationship so they can make their move but let me tell you something why don't you focus on your relationship, show your love and there will be no bad endings ...

*Dedicated to Chante November( old School friend from Paarl )*


share a little love

You may not think others need your love and knowledge. There is so little loved shared that if you are spending it, people will be drawn to you because love is rare. One of the greatest things in life is having the ability to love and be loved. Don't expect love from cheap people!

Say whatever you need to say from your heart and you will be suprised by the reactions you get of others. You will also be surprised by the sense of peace and happiness that will be reflected on you when helping others. Not at that exact moment but later in the years it will. Train yourself to say everything with love ! Be happy even thought you sad from the inside , everything always starts with a smile then your mood changes ! So just smile and share a little love !


Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Why do Girls like bad boys ?

Girls like to feel safe when they are with someone and bad boys gives them that safety. Many good guys just can't stand the fact that , girls can be treated bad by the bad boys and still want them, and still run after them.

Let me tell you how our girls head's work:
We always go for the risky guys, because it's more fun to be with them. We get played by them cause we are too busy being in love and forget what's going on around us. We see the good in the bad that they have done wrong cause we love them. We would do anything just to be with them even though they hurted us in the past.

Now many boys ask me why did I get played I mean isn't it obvious? You too soft for her bro! Girls like guys that tells them what to do! How to dress! Girls loves it when a guy is sweet and nice yes, but not all the time ey. That is usually when you find that girls are cheating on boys. Girls usually ignore the one who adore them and love the ones who ignore them-cause for them it's a challenge to get that boy who is ignoring them. They can't accept why everyone else wants them but not that particular boy.

Sooo guys show them who wears the pants in the relationship and she will be yours forever!



Tuesday, 29 May 2012

" W O R D S "

Your mouth can be the most powerful weapon you can have. What you tell others wether it is good or bad people will always remember what you said. Be careful what you say to people. Think before you say something don't just Speak , Use some brain too !

I don't know how its possible that the good things someone tell you don't always pop up in your mind, but the bad things does ! We intend to say bad things to our closest friends , we may take it as a joke but they doesn't. It is actually sad when you look back and ask yourself... "When last did I give someone a compliment? "

So from today I want you to tell your friends you look pretty when they does! Just those three words will make their day!


Thursday, 24 May 2012

Appreciate what you have!

Many intend to be unthankful for the things they have! They always want more even though they have the best. Their parents work 12 hours a day just to give them everything they want, but still they don't appreciate it.

About a month ago I was on a school camp in Tulbagh near a Children's home. We were about over 200 students we attendted the camp. We slept in the hostels of the school next to the children's home but we eated by them. While I was siting all alone by myself, some of them came to me asked me who I am and where I'm from etc. We had a long talk. They told me how life is by the children's home , about the aunty's who is always moody the food that's not so nice , but they have to eat cause they have no choice. They have no parents their parents don't want them. What Sad was for me is they have no one who really loves them. But still they find a way to get through this hard life. They don't even get new clothes they get second handed clothes by people who no longer want it. Still they appreciate what they have. They don't moan about the things we moan about. They are thankful for for whatever they get even they don't want it, but we are unthankful for the things we wanted. I've learned a lot by them over that weekend I've learned to appreaciate more what I have.

I still call and sms them from time to time, just to show that I care cause it won't hurt me ask me how they doing. That is probably all call they get.

Appreciate what you have there are many out there that can only dream of the things that you have

* * * When my internet is right I will upload a picture of me with them * * *


Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Your inner Wisdom

Trust Your instinct!

If you need to make a decision close your eyes and imagine yourself in both situations. The one which suits you the best will be the one you end up with. It will always be a 50/50 thing... You need to believe in yourself by making decisions. Be positive cause you know what you want in life. Follow the path you want to follow and not the path someone told you to.

You can Be right if you believe You are Right


Monday, 21 May 2012

State of Mind

In this life, bad things will happen. That is why you should make your problems challenges. You will open windows of oppertunities for yourself. How you see life is up to you... Its can be great if you choose so.

We hold the light tou our own destiny. If there is not enough joy in your life, life has very little meaning. So don't feel sorry for yourself. Making yourself happy is up to you ! . You're the one who has to make the good things happen; no one else is going to come knocking down your door to make you happy. If anyone told you life and the world out there is easy!, they were lying because its not! It takes hard work to make it easy yes!

Soooo stop moaning about what's wrong in your life. Moaning has never helped anyone! ! ! It takes time to train your mind to look for the positive, but it will come! Just keep thinking positive!

Some people think it's holding on that makes one strong but it's letting go that proves your strength

Many intend to hold on to something just because they are scared of what is going to happen next.I say let go! While you hold on to something you are stuck in one place can't move, but when you letting go you are finally on the move again... Holding on can keep you from all the good that is out there in the world, so let go and try something new maybe that something new is even more better

But then again the hardest part about moving on is not wanting to.


Friday, 18 May 2012

Friend or Foe?

Nowadays you never know when u have a friend or whether that friend you think is a friend .. Is a Foe...
Everyone is so fake. Choose your friends wisely. Isn't it so ironic. The people in your life who say, "I'm always going to be here for you ", are the ones that walk away first. Sometimes we expect more from others, because we'd be willing to do much more for them; and as we grow older we don't lose friends, we just learn who the real ones are. I find it hard to trust people, because I never know if their fake or real . That is why I hate pretenders.

Not all your friends are fake. We all have good friends the ones we can trust but then again who says they are faithful towards you? Who says their not talking behind your back?...
You and only you can see true friends, you see through their minds and hearts you see what they desire and why they desire it.. If you have a good friend that is faithful be glad you have, because there are not many of them out there.


Thursday, 17 May 2012


Taken literally, jealousy refers to a strong desire for someone else's stature or possessions. However, in a social setting, it causes someone to be doubtful of their partner and feel threatened by their interaction with certain people, the clothes they wear or the places they go
-that is what the dictionary says

Here is what I think about relationship jealousy.
We all get jealous when our partners get compliments by someone. Mostly this jealousy gets out of hand, then the relationships comes to an end. But you and your partner should trust each other enough not to let jealousy get you down. Give her space, give him his space. Talk about it if you and your partner have jealousy problems. Tell her/him why you get jealous so that she/he can understand.

Don't let jealousy be the cause of your break ups! Sort it out ! Make things right !

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

why do we intend to forgive so easily?

In life we all get that feeling.. That's it I'm done, I've had enough I will not be able to do this! But that is the time when your real strenght is being tested. Your challenge that you had tested your strenght and how badly you wanted to win.

Many say it was too hard but when I look at it you were half way through it... Now you want to give up ... Whenever I felt like giving up I thought of why I held on in the first place, and that reason kept me going ! Let the reason you held on be the reason you reach your goal ! Because you and only you can do it ! You don't do it for your friend, parents teachers etc... You do it for you, your future , and for the dream you so badly want to make a reality !


Monday, 14 May 2012

Take that Risk!

I know we all like taking risks , because we don't want to be the odd one out in the group so we go with the flow. Sometimes we learn from it sometimes we don't.
Not all risks is bad, you get good risks to like; meeting new people or hanging out with people you thought was bad company just because you judged them by their looks! Risks is never good you never know where you might end up or what is going to happen at the end the only way you would know is by sticking to it till the end!
I think people should take more risks in life. In that way they will find out who they really are. So Don't be afraid to take chances or opportunities that comes your way!

Take that risk!


Sunday, 13 May 2012

Mother's Day!

Beacause its Mother's day today everyone's profile pictures and status's is about their mothers(even mine)... But I think everyday should be a mothers day, not just once a year. As you look at all the effort a mother has to put in, everything that she must do etc. She deserves to be spoiled everyday and not just once a year!Mothers would try their best just to make their children happy. They work hard buy their children expensive stuff that makes her have sleepless nights cause she is wondering how am I going to pay the bill next month. You sleep peaceful while she worries.
People I want you to spoil your mother Daily and not yearly! I want you to tell that you love her, hug her and spend time with her cause who knows what tomorrow brings, she might just not be with you anymore... Do the same with your father. They might be your most favourite people in the world, but if it wasn't for them you wouldn't have been in this world in the first place!


Poem By Doniel Kelly

Fresh morning fresh hopes, fresh plans fresh efforts, fresh success fresh feelings and also FRESH years to go, I wish u a fresh & successful mother's day, so that the shadow of yesterday may fade away and that the lord's light shine on you 2day, coz its a brand new day' birds singing their song loud & clear, announcing to the world that a blessing throught this woman is here, so by God I'm wishing you contentment and peace along the way on this heavenly blessed mother's day
-Doniel Kelly

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Forgive others in order to forgive yourself

It is so much easier to walk away from a hurtful past than to confront the issues, but we cannot remove the past from our hearts... It is there to stay. The only hope for true peace with the past is to face it at its worst, forgive to be forgiven. If you don't forgive it won't go away it will stay there forever and if you don't forgive you will never move on from your past... You will always have a hold on it!

Forgive to have peace!


Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Be a Star that stands out among all the others

Yes! Be a S T A R !
Shine bright! Make them see you clearly!
I don't know if you noticed among all those thousands of stars , there are actually just three that stands out(From my point of view)... Peole called them the three sisters!whenever I look at the stars I usually look for them. They stand In line with each other... The others always seems to look the same, same size etc.. But you can easily notice the three sisters.

What I really wanted to tell you is: be like that and stand out among all the others next to you. Shine bright. Make people aware of who and what you are and what you are capable of. Life is full of challenges, challenges that you have to face.Be the best you can be. There is only one You!No one thinks or acts the same that you so! You are unique that's why you should stand out in the croud!...You are special, you are perfect... You are special...Want to know why cause God Don't not make Junk !

Be a star!


Monday, 7 May 2012

I Have a D R E A M.... Do YOU?

I have a dream!
My dream seems to be the only Reason why I wake up in the morning.Sometimes I feel like giving up then I think about how far I've come to leave everything just like that. There is not a day that goes by , that I don't remind myself of my dream!

Many say I don't have the money... People tell me this:do you need money to dream?No! So what are you waiting for. Your Future starts with a dream and ends with Reality!No Dream is too big or too small if you believe! If you dream make sure that it is realistic!...

Remember don't spend most of your time dreaming and doing nothing to make the dream reality! Make sure you put everything in!I walk with a plan in my head everyday! I know where I am going! Do you?... You should ask yourself where do I see myself 5 years from now... Make sure you have goals that you want to achieve!Life aint all about partying! There is a time and a place for everything in this life.

Think about it! And ask yourself questions daily! It helps...
I have a dream ... Do you?...


The Prayer

"I pray you'll be our eyes and watch us where we go.
And help us to be wise in times when we don't know
Let this be our prayer when we lose our way
Lead us to the place guide us with your grace
To a place where we'll be safe"

-This is one of my songs I listen to when I feel sad!

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Letta's Diaries: take time to think !

Letta's Diaries: take time to think !

take time to think !

So eskom switched our electricity off. Now everyone is moaning about it on the local social network that goes by the name "facebook". The real reason why they really moan is because their phones are about to die,and we can't charge it!

We have soo many things in this world whom is soo beautiful,but because we sit with our phones every second of the day we forget about those things.
The house is now very quiet, no one speaks because they have nothing to talk about. They can't remember when last they had a good conversation with their parents!Me on the other hand lays on my bed thinking of the days when you didn't have a phone, and what I used to do back then!Sometimes I feel like giving my phone aways just to see who is really there for me, cause everyone seems to care over the phone but when you see them in public they can't hardly greet you(hate people who is like that!)

Back to the electricity!-its on now ! Lol ! Surely everyone is happy now...
Learn to socialize without your phone being involved! Go out meet some new friends and avoid being on your phone in a company!#thatsouncool!

Keep on checking my posts! LoL


Saturday, 5 May 2012

Mi Casa, Su Casa!

"My Huis, Jou Huis"
"My Home, Your Home"

Its important when you invite people over just to hang, that you should make them feel comfortable! No one wants to be in a boring company. Don't bring up boring topics that only you can talk about!(That's sooo uncool!)Learn more by the people that is in your company, ask them questions about themselves.

Someone once asked me:"How do you get it right keeping a company going, and just start talking to people you just met?" I replied saying:"Meeting new people is one of the best things you can do in life. You get to learn more of their lifestyle,how they do things etc"

I just love meeting new people!


Michael Buble

I love Michael Buble's Music! It is sooo inspiring and it keeps me Calm! He only sings the truth and what life is about!

Thursday, 3 May 2012

C R Y I NG !

Its important to cry!You need to let go of your Problems or sometimes happiness! Its important that when you cry its worth crying for, Don't cry over people who is not worth your tears! Rather smile and get dimpels!
I Don't usually cry , I find it hard to cry infront of people! I always used to think that crying doesn't solve anything,till one day when I found myself crying. I felt a bit refreshed and happy afterwards! Sooo people Cry just a little! It helps !


Wednesday, 2 May 2012

You're a Beautiful Person

Everyone needs to be told they're great, so here's To You an Exceptionally beautiful person !

The beauty of a person is not in the clothes they wear , the firgure they carry, or the way they comb their hair. The beauty of a person is not seen with the eyes , but throught they eyes, because this is the doorway to your heart, the place where love resides.True beauty is reflected in the soul. It is all about caring, lving and sharing and showing.Beauty is not in the looks , its in the heart deep inside!


Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Share your S M I L E

Whenever I feel stressed, depressed or just lost in my thoughts and someone strange gives me a sinple smile, My whole day brightens. Now I do it Back. If someone looks lost, confused or sad I offer a smile, it cost u nothing.

Whenever you see someone feeling down, go ask how are you, is there something I can do to help... Just by asking that, that person know that you care for them.

Share things that money can't buy and you will see the world will be a better place!


Saturday, 28 April 2012


We all Love M U S I C !
For some its an inspiration others compare it to their love life and the things they do dailly! I think its more than that. Music makes the world a better place, actually parties. Whenever someone is hosting a party or a school dance are being organized, no one ask is there going to be food No! 1st thing they do ask is who is the DJ? Some of us even study while listening to music I hear some of my friends say it helps, But hell no! I've tried it ,I rather sing with then get any study work done!In the world of today you don't get people sit and read books, No! They would rather listen to music and play games or hang online all the time !

I Love listening to the Radio! I learn the latest tracks ! My friends say its boring to listen to the radio but then I think... I wonder how they got to hear the songs they playing. It must've played on the radio too. I Mean who wants to listen to the same old Music all the time when you can listen to the radio and learn new ones !

I love my Radio

Thursday, 26 April 2012

- Courtney May the poet of the poem !
My Beloved Letta

How can I forget
The day we officially met
Back then I hated you,
For no specific reason- No !!!
I didn’t like you cause I was jealous
You got the attention of all the ‘fellas’
You were blond who everyone
Was fond of
Whenever I heard your name
It drove me insane
According to me
You stole my lime light- I’m surprised
We didn’t end up in a fight
Before you it was…
Courtney this, Courtney that
But soon you around and it was…
Paullette, Paullette, Paullette ! ! !
When I look back now
I can hardly believe
That was how I felt
Today when I see
Those big blue eyes
My hearts starts to melt
I got to know you – and brother
Now we can’t get enough of each other!
Knowing you is a pleasure
Your friendship I will always treasure
Why ? Cause…
You’re my ‘Blommie’ and…
One of my ‘beste sjommies’ !
Seing you everyday
Makes my world a better place
Thank you for being
The awesome friend that you are
But most of all
Thank you for being…



Yes we are! Teenagers!

I think the most difficult years are your teenage years!
You find yourself, you learn what kind of person you are,you learn who your real friends are and who never were!You might find yourself in bad Company, doing bad things, but its okay to do that. You have to make the mistake to learn out of it!
Your heart gets break and you feel like you could die, then someone else comes along and you feel whole again!.So while you are in your teenage years, Enjoy it, live life like you dying tomorrow! Sleep all day and party all night cause when you grow older you will have more responsibilty!

You will also find that People might believe what you tell them, but they will never doubt what they assume. So why do we intend to trust easily?just go with the flow and leave room 4 disappointment, by doing so you save ur tears for meaningful just saying

You Young ! Live it up !... You will never get your teenage years back again !

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

True friends !

"One day, you feel like giving up and you feel like your life is falling to pieces, call me, text me, anything. I may not be able to put the pieces back together, but i can stand beside you. One day you wish you could just disappear so that no one knows where you are, call me or text me. I won't try to stop you, but i can disappear with you. If one day you realise that you're in love, then the person breaks your heart, i'll be here. I wont be able to bring them back, but i can beat their butts and help you fix your heart. But one day, if you try to get a hold of me and i don't answer, find me, because this time i might need you. Life is to short to live with regrets and worries, so instead of holding it in, let it out!"

i was born a champion

Some people have to learn
some people wait there turn
some people but not me
I was born a champion!
- Chris brown(Champion Lyrics)
I wish everyone will would have that self confidence in them !

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Friends! Are they a good or Bad thing to have?

Some friends are Good Some are Bad!

Choose your friends wisely.People Judge you by your friends,but I think that is actually not right cause you may be friends with them but it doesn't mean you do the things they do!

I have a lot of friends but I know my limits when I'm with them. People intend to point fingers at the friends but I say: u had a choice wether u going to it or not... They just ask you...

I think it's good to have friends around. They light up your world. Without them the world would be boring.If you look through your pictures on your Phone you will find more pictures of you and your friends than of you and your family. They are the ones who are always there for you ! Don't ever take them for granted or blaame them for your mistakes!


Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Impossible is nothing

In order to win, you must lose!That way you know what your mistakes was.When you just believe everything in this world is possible.You just have to have faith in yourself.

Read something on Facebook that a friend of mine wrote:
"I came to school to learn and I will LEARN. I will not waste my time, not even for one period or one day. I will be proud of myself for what i have achieved this day, for this day will never come again!!"

I think all of us should be that positive when going to school.Everything in life that you do, do it like its the last time that you are doing it ! Live like there is no tomorrow cause what you do today is just a small vision of how your tomorrow would look like !"live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back."

And remember: YOLO( YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE!)

Monday, 16 April 2012


 I'm going to give you my opinion on what is Love...
Is something you can't see, only feel. Many people think its stupid that's only because they haven't exsperienced it yet nor felt it... I say love is when can't get that one special person out of your head,you think of them the whole day long. You find yourself listening to love music when you're actually a house music Fan. You stay up late just to have a conversation with them . You would do anything just keep a smile on their face.
You smile whenever their name is being mention by your friends, you even blush
You miss them when their not around.
You forgive them even though they have hurt you many times, but you still think they won't do it again.
Love is hard to prove but easy to say... That is why its important to show them that you really love them.
You are young fall in love even , if it don't work out there is always another chance. That's the best thing in life is you always get second chances, just don't mess up the second one ... Most importantly Learn from Your M I S T A K E S

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Face the reality and Live with it !

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down, probably will. You'll have your heart broken and you'll break others' hearts. You'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them, and you'll cry because time is flying by. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you've never been hurt.

Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. you just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone's hand, comfort a friend, fall asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, and smile until your face hurts. Don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all, live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back.

Comment box problem

Hey you guys I have been having problems with my comment box. Still working on it think it will be ready to use by tomorrow.
I know many of you have complained about it, bt will work that out for you

-Letta <3

Friday, 13 April 2012

Titanic ( the ship of love!)

Last night most of the people were lying infront of the television watching "Titanic", even I was doing that. Then people would like post status's on Facebook about the movie!

Now most of the status's were about the ship that was going to sink. People that is not the most important thing in the movie. What important or the moral was in the movie for me was: Money can't buy L O V E. People who has a lot of money might have more and better options than you do but their personality won't be better than yours. No Matter how much money you have in this world when you are not loved by someone or you don't have love in your heart, then u have nothing!

Guys it's not about how many presents you bought a girl or how many times you took her out, it's about opening the car door for her, giving her your jacket to wear when its cold,walking her to her class, leaving her messages and when she wakes up her whole day has been made etc! That is all a girl wants in. Life. You Jump , I jump Remember!


Thursday, 12 April 2012

Be yourself everyone else is taken !

Why do you want to copy someone else when you can just be yourself !
We often copy people for example: someone famous.I want you to ask yourself what am I getting out of this, that person that you are copying doesn't even know you.Don't you have any values of yourself? By copying someone else means that you are not proud for who you are ! God made us different just because he didn't want us to be the same or feel we just like the next person. We have different meanings and opinions over things.
You were born original people , don't die a copy !

- For the copiers out there !


it's a Teen world !

Started this blog actually to make the teens of today more aware of the thing happening in life, although I'm still a teen myself.

People often judge teens a lot by the things that they are doing in life, but I say why judge when you were young and did the same thing !Then they would like say: We don't want you to make the same mistakes we did!- when someone usually tells me that I laugh softly in the inside
Nothing and no one in this life is perfect! Everyone makes mistakes bt it depens on you wether you going to learn from it !


 That is my motto in life! Today i started this blog.I have been thinking of starting this blog since last year and I finaly made it !