Most of you girls would choose a swag guy because it looks cute, and who can resist a cute guy with cute clothes?.. I would say I choose Class. Not that I don't like guys with swag, believe me I love it, but let me ask you that guy that has swag now will he be able to one day provide a future for a girl? Nope , i don;'t think so. Reason why is that if you look at their actions now it would be a true reflection on how their future will look like. Being cool gets you no where but being educated will get you very far in life.
Most cases girls whom used to be into swag guys normally take a class guy when their older, but back then they swear they would never date someone like that.. Ironic I know.
So guys those of you whom is so into swag. It's cool to be into it but just remember what you do today is a true reflection on how your future will look like.