Now before I start I want to clear some things with you as
the reader. I have my own opinion here on my blog if the boys or the girls feel
offended I’m sorry I’m just saying what I think and how I feel about things, if
you disagree I accept that but I would love to know why.
One day one of my
friends asked me why do boys hit girls? I didn’t have an answer to that. I went
home laying on my bed thinking of reasons why boys would want to hit girls. I
got a few, non of them was to me a real reason so I went to ask a boy and he
told me the following:
He told me that some
girls like to overpower boys. They like to play bossy and then they make them feel less powerful and in that way
they lose their manhood. For me that was no real reason to hit a girl. Or let
me just say there is no real reason in this world for a male to lift up his
hands for a female. They are special and deserves to be treated like queens,
just like they were treated by their parents.
Girls I leave you with this quote: “ look at the way a boy
treats it’s mother, because that is the way you are going to be treated like.”
My next article/post will be for those heartbroken boys. We
know how girls can dumb a boy and move on not worry about the ex.