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Monday, 30 July 2012

Be U N I Q U E

Tell me why do you want you be like someone else, when you can just be you?

I walk through life seeing people, mostly friends wear the same clothes. Then I would think to myself why would they want to wear the same stuff when they don’t have the same personality? You are unique there won’t be another person like you on this earth. Think of yourself as pool balls. They almost look the same but they are on the pool board for different reasons, just like you maybe look like your sister or someone in this world but you are in this world for a different reason that they are. Just like school you wear the same uniform, but it doesn’t mean you have to act the same. You are unique no one can look like you, have the dreams that you have, have the personality that you have at the same time.

Be who you want to be, don’t be like someone else because if God wanted you to be like someone else he would’ve gived you their looks and everything that they have.



Thursday, 26 July 2012

FAKE faces

We all hide under a fake face.

We are too afraid of what people will say when they see who the real you are. Even I hide under a fake face. Being with my family I’m a way different person as I am with my friends. But why?
Let me tell you why… We are scared that others don’t want to accept us for who and what we really are! We hide, and be fake to the people we love because we don’t want to hurt them with the truth. We walk around with fake faces pretending to like certain people ,but we hate them inside. Why do we do that? We are to scared of what others might say about our opinion on something, now we wear fake faces to please others.

If I could I would never wear a fake face, this way no one will be surprised by the things I do and the person I become when I am mad. But I guess taking that fake face off is harder then just posting about it. I am not fake to everyone, mostly family. They can be so judgemental that’s why I love to hide my true colors from them. With my friends I feel comfortable, I can be myself act crazy as much as I want to.

Do you sometimes wear a fake mask like me???

That’s a question only you can answer.



Friday, 20 July 2012

Words and rumors has their way of bringing you down

Lately I haven’t posted any blog posts. I apologize for that, it’s never going to happen in the future.

The reason why I didn’t post on my blog is , I had problems of my own. How can I motivate you guys when I am not even feeling well inside. I am not a person that cry much, but the past week I have cried so many times that I couldn’t even see the white in my eyes. I just learned that rumors can bring you down. It’s hard to prove the truth once a rumor of you is spread out. I learned it the hard way. I mean with teenagers I can easily deal with a rumor, but what if your family knows about it first?

I care a lot about myself, and what people think of me. Non of the rumors that was spread about me was even true! I was so traumatized. I think to myself how can a person even say such things about people knowing it’s not the truth. But I guess jealousy makes you nasty neh! I don’t even have much haters, I’ve always been the one that likes to keep things to myself. I could keep things in for long, but this time I couldn’t hold it anymore. I actually prepared myself for that day to come, but I guess I wasn’t prepared well cause it knocked me down!

People I just want you guys to choose your friends wisely. Don’t let rumors get you down no matter how hard it knocked you!



Sunday, 15 July 2012

Do what you believe is right !

I woke up this morning telling myself, Letta you must decide what you are going to do with your life. Time is slowly running out. Next year I must already know what I want and where I see myself in 10 years from now . I decided to draw myself a mind map. On this map I added pictures of where I see myself in 10 years. I know many of you will now think, how will a stupid mindmap help you succeed and help you decide on what you want to study, but let me tell you it helped me. I now know what I want in life, where I want to go study, what my grades must look like. I also google a few stuff on what I want to study .When I told my mom what I want to study, she wasn’t that much supportive because I’ve always told her that I wanted to be an doctor . I realized becoming a doctor isn’t really my thing, computers are. People I love my mom but I must do the thing that makes me happy , and working with computers makes me happy. If deciding on what you want to do when you grow up, think of things that makes you happy. People will always try to bring you down, just because they don’t like doing it they will let you believe it’s not your thing either.

Believe in the things that make you happy and not the things that makes other people happy.



Thursday, 12 July 2012

The YOLO- Word !

The big word everyone is trying to live by. If someone did something bad, and you ask them why did you do it they would reply with: ‘ YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE’. I mean really, is that your big excuse????

Let me tell you something about the YOLO-word , it sucks !. It should never had brought in. Everyone is using it for the wrong reason, they don’t know the real meaning of it. Yes, you only live once but it doesn’t mean you must over do it and do things that don’t suit your personality. The YOLO-word can trick people into a lot of crazy stuff. You still have a long life to live for , don’t live it up and the next day you don’t want to be seen in public. I say take it easy there is a time and place for everything in this life. No matter how old ,how young you are you will get to do the things that you really want. Just stay safe and enjoy  every moment of this life.



Tuesday, 10 July 2012

People that don’t want you in their life, is not worth your company.

People let’s face reality now if your not good enough to walk with them in public , they are not worth your company. We always think that being behind someone’s back with a person while that person is dating someone else , it’s cool. It’s not like they will leave their partners to be with you. You are only there on the sideline and when their partners finds out they ask you to deny it. You are only cheap when you keep on playing the game with them. They can’t get what they want by their partners so they try it with you, and you are dumb enough to fall for it. But that is just one of the silly things we would do for love , even if it’s lending love by someone else. You intend hang on hoping they will take you at the end of the day. What they have with you is only for pleasure, nothing else.

If you know the person has a partner why even consider helping them to be unfaithful towards their partner! If you think it’s cool and awesome. Let me tell you what I think about people like that: they are cheap!

yeah letta tells it like it is !


Monday, 9 July 2012

Start small

We all think that we can become nothing because we don't always have the money. That is where we make our mistakes! Life is not all about money, yes money plays a big role in this life but not as big as happiness.

When your in school you do good in a subject if you like it , right?... Now that is your key to success by doing the thinks that makes you happy and not the things that makes others happy. Get a clear idea of what matters to you and ignore the negative voices. Fight and keep fighting for what you want in life !

Once you have set your mind to something, don't take it off it. It starts today! Take a few seconds and make yourself a mind map where you picture yourself in 5 years time, keep it close everyday and work towards it ! Trust me it will keep you motivated , even if you fail !



Friday, 6 July 2012

Be independant !

Lately I have been thinking a lot, thinking about life and the people in my life. I have come across a lot of new things that I never knew will hit me. I have had moments of doubts , moments of certainty etc. What really got me thinking was the fact that I always want to help people and when I’m in need ,no one is there to help me out. I am not a person who would seek for help. I always seem to have everything under control. But lately I don’t know. I try to keep faith every day, but every day I feel like losing a bit of that faith.

What I am trying to prove in this post is: Don’t ever depend on people. Always do things by yourself. People will always let you down. Don’t seek for advice on something that you already know an solution for. I know it’s hard to learn from others mistakes, because we all want to make our own.

You have to learn to stand on you your own, and be independent !

