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Tuesday, 26 June 2012

The key to succes

We all think that we can become nothing because we don't always have the money. That is where we make our mistakes! Life is not all about money, yes money plays a big role in this life but not as big as happiness.

When your in school you do good in a subject if you like it , right?... Now that is your key to success by doing the thinks that makes you happy and not the things that makes others happy. Get a clear idea of what matters to you and ignore the negative voices. Fight and keep fighting for what you want in life !

Once you have set your mind to something, don't take it off it. It starts today! Take a few seconds and make yourself a mind map where you picture yourself in 5 years time, keep it close everyday and work towards it ! Trust me it will keep you motivated , even if you fail !


The key to succes

We all think that we can become nothing because we don't always have the money. That is where we make our mistakes! Life is not all about money, yes money plays a big role in this life but not as big as happiness.

When your in school you do good in a subject if you like it , right?... Now that is your key to success by doing the thinks that makes you happy and not the things that makes others happy. Get a clear idea of what matters to you and ignore the negative voices. Fight and keep fighting for what you want in life !

Once you have set your mind to something, don't take it off it. It starts today! Take a few seconds and make yourself a mind map where you picture yourself in 5 years time, keep it close everyday and work towards it ! Trust me it will keep you motivated , even if you fail !


Saturday, 23 June 2012

S U I C I D E !

This morning me and my friends were talking about commiting suicide. One of my friends wanted to do it, but she told me she didn't want to get hurt. So I told her , that's the point you don't really want to die. You love your life to much. You just want to get out of a situation that you think is worth dying for. But let me tell you, your life is not worth any stupid situation . That situation can be sorted out soon. If you made a mistake learn out of it... Why give up soo easily?...

Have you notice when someone commit suicide by hanging them up... You will always find their hands strugling to get the rope away from their throat... Want to know why?... Because at that moment while suffering the pain they realise how much they love their life, and then its too late!

So don't be that stupid to try and commit suicide over a problem or mistake that can be solved and worked out !


Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Such Talent should be noticed

As you know we all have our talents, wether it is to sing, dance, Dj or just being yourself... We have talent
I know a friend his name is Austen he started a facebook Page recently. On this page he post links where you can go download his mixes. He is quite talented ey. So if you are into Dj or just good music go like his page and download his music.

Just like I said we all have talents, and we all want people to recognise our talents . So go and support Austen's talent by liking his link and downloading his music.
It would be very much appreciated

Click on this link to go to Austen's Page:

Its surprising how a poets born.
Just to feel the ridicule of the peoples scorn.
My poems might be dark, my poems might be strange.
But I feel their not all in vain.

They touch the heart of some people I know.
Cause were I get them only some fear not to go.
The darkest reaches the mind can find.
Crawling in the corners of my mind.

Apart of me likes it and I do not know why.
The dark part of me, never saying goodbye.
And tho the victor, always the light inside of me.
the darkness always crawling below and will never flee.

Should I accept it and become this person I don't know.
It could be dangerous, that why its crawling down below.
Feeling like dr. jackel and mr. hyde.
Only to hide what I'm truely feeling inside.

- Poem by Hardley Hendricks


Monday, 18 June 2012

but you didn't - poem with many lessons

Remember the day I borrowed your brand new car and dented it?
I thought you'd kill me, but you didn't.

And remember the time I dragged you to the beach,
and you said it would rain, and it did?
I thought you'd say, "I told you so." But you didn't.

Do you remember the time I flirted with all
the guys to make you jealous, and you were?
I thought you'd leave, but you didn't.

Do you remember the time I spilled strawberry pie
all over your car rug?
I thought you'd hit me, but you didn't.

And remember the time I forgot to tell you the dance
was formal and you showed up in jeans?
I thought you'd drop me, but you didn't.

Yes, there were lots of things you didn't do.
But you put up with me, and loved me, and protected me.

There were lots of things I wanted to make up to you
when you returned from Vietnam.
But you didn't.

- very nice poem got me thinking that we never appreaciate the things when we have it but once we've lost it we want it back again !
So from today , start appreciate the people closest to you cause who knows what tomorrow brings?
Live for today not tomorrow !


Sunday, 17 June 2012

I stand alone on the roof at night.
Only to see the  moon in sight.
The moon so bright...the moon so pure.
How much more darkness can I endure.

As I run, I can not wait.
To get rid of this destiny or is it fate.
All I know and all I find.
Is the rage overflowing in my mind.

I need to find peace, its all gone now.
Serenity I see only in a cow.
For its the pure of heart and soul I seek.
As I stare in the distance my future looks bleak.

And tho I try to fight the darkness inside.
I need to make the lord my guide.
Then I realize and think instead.
All of this just happened inside my head.

-Poem by Hadley Hendricks

Thursday, 14 June 2012

So your parents fell in love and a few years later you were conceived. You became a fetus and before your parents could blurt out baby, you were born. For our parents Days became weeks, weeks became years and with those years came lessons learned. We started crawling, talking, walking and then it is time for us to go to school. We thought boys were disgusting and we found school really exiting .We got through primary school then middle school and here we are- High school.

This is said to be toughest five years of your young life. You have to adapt to your surroundings, literally! You somehow shake off your innocent image- not deliberately, it just happens. You either find out who you are or lose the person who you thought you were. You are exposed to a lot off things, harmful things, delicate things, and you are exposed to people who you might or might not like. People who are going to push you down you down or help you up. People who are going to accept you and those who will not.

In the mean time you are developing, mentally and physically .If you don’t have self-respect and moral values, good luck! You might just make it out there. If you don’t know who you are, all the bad habits, bad friends, alcohol and drugs; that is going to define you are. The first year of high school, you feel like you’ve made it, you’re “cool” now. You are mature enough to make your own reckless decisions;”it is your life, your choices”.
Little do we know that those choices are going to affect the rest of our lives, either in a good way or bad. We just want to rush growing up.

The second year, Okay so you know your way around the place by now. You past your first year of high school and you know the do’s and the don’ts. Well kind of. You know who you are and who your friends are, Or so you think .This is the year many teenagers are likely to drop out of school, due to reckless behavior or simply just by giving up. They give up because the pressure is too much, and then finally you just crack! Who are misjudged and misunderstood, and you try and try, but somehow you just kind off fail! That sucks!

Your senior years, these years are really though. You have to study harder, party less. You know now whom you can depend on, and whom not. You need the support of your family, which mostly consists of your friends. I mean no offence but, our friends really do become family. We relate to them best because we go through the exact same things .We understand each other much better and sometimes , let’s face it, talking to your family about “boyfriend” issues ,is just not relevant. We share a lot more memories with them then we do with our families. At this stage our parents seems like a treat to us, don’t know why, but it is what it is.

These years pass and along with them a lot of things pass too. The boy you never told” I like you”, the girl you let away. The times you totally screwed up, and still can’t get it out of your head. The fight you had when you didn’t make up. The friends you made and lost along the way. The times you fell in and out of love. The mirage of the fifteen year you once were, the fifteen year old you so desperately want to be again ...

-written by Courtney May


Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Friendnemy, foe, enemy whatever you call them they are all the same

We all have our enemies , and we all have our friends right?.Now how do you who are your real friends and who is your enemy ?

Let me tell you something... You don't really just think you know... Even your own friends can be your worst enemy. Its up to you , you must choose your friends right, you must look between the lines because only you can deside wether you want to be friends with enemies or real friends ! Cut people out of your life that don't fit in or who spends most of their time talking behind your back ! Who need people like that in your life anyway!...


Monday, 11 June 2012

The simple things in life always turns out to be the most important things!

We intend to forget the small and simple things in life , just because we are too busy with the non important things in life . We keep ourselves busy with things like ; hating people instead of spending time with the people that we like; we judge others instead of looking in the mirror first! There are soo many wrong things we do , and in that wrong things we always forget the small things that really matters.
We Forget to ask our friends how they are doing , because we are too busy boring them with our problems and forget that they also have problems.

I want you to look around and appreciate the small things in life . Don't just focus on the bigger things ! They come and go small things, are the things that matters the most !


Friday, 8 June 2012

We just love to Cuddle

We just love it when it rains ! First thing we think about is to Cuddle !

Awwww we just love to cuddle! Wether we do it with our friends,boyfriends or girlfriends , we Cuddle ! Its important that you should enjoy yourself, hang with friends , be in good company . Who knows what tomorrow brings? Today might be your last ! I don't say live it up and do things that wil make u end up in jail or something bad, I'm just saying enjoy yourself . Life has a way of bringing you down everyday just to test your strenght.


Thursday, 7 June 2012

Just be Happy !

Its normal to blame others for what happened to you or for your emotions. " I can't be happy because I'm not in love "
" Through strength I found love
In time I found myself in happiness with you "-happiness by Alexis Jordan
- Many of us think so! But let me tell you today happiness does not just lie in love, it lies in everything you do dailly.

When you have done something good you always feel happy about it right?... Exactly! I just want to state that happiness starts with you, your heart and a simple smile, That's all
Remember when you sad all the times you will end up feeling sorry for yourself everyday! Now tell me who wants to be in your company , when your face looks like you just ate a sour lemon? Not me !

So be happy , face the day with a smile, the rest will just fall in place!


Monday, 4 June 2012

We praise everything but God

Yes! We praise everything but God. We praise celebrities that don't even know we exist. We listen to meaningful songs that we don't even know what they are saying, but we listen to it. We go to pubs , to drink our problems away but when we wake up in the morning they are still there and we even got extra. We would do soo many wrong things in life instead of doing the good !

Tell me this:
Why don't we praise God that knew our name even before we were born,he knows our past,present and future? . Why don't we listen to gospel songs, who's lyrics have meaning and helps you grow inside? Why don't we go to church or pray for God to help us with the problems that we are facing?

- I still can't find the answers to that...soo if you do let me know, cause I would really love to know!

Read the following quote and think about it:
" Why do we sleep in Church ? But stay awake through a 3 hour movie? Why are we so bored when we look at the Bible But find it easy to read other books? Why is it so easy to ignore a msg about God, Yet we forward the nasty ones? Why are Temple Church's getting smaller. But bars and clubs are expanding? "


Saturday, 2 June 2012

Dont Share fake L O V E

We intend to share fake love with each other that we don't actually mean. Why do I say so...

For example your mom buys you something you so badly wanted, then your mom is the best in the world then you love her soo much just because she bought you that. Now that is fake ! You should love her even when she doesn't buy you something ! Have you noticed that you are only loved by your friends or family when you gaved them something or bought them something ! That is actually why many want boyfriends cause friends and family can be so fake (not all of them), they only apprciate you when you did something for them...

I hate it when I've done something for someone and they now soo love me etc ! If you love or like me in that way then you can keep it who needs fake love anyway neh?

I love people because they make me smile and are good company - and you should too , and not because they gaved you something or helped you with something !
